EMF Earthing Essentials Package
Package Price: $610
- 1 EMF+E-Card
- 1 EMF+E-Tag
- 1 EMF+E-Patch Package [12 Patches Per Package = 12 Total Patches]
- 1 EMF Shield Package [4 Shields Per Package = 4 Total Shields]
Most Frequent Questions and Answers:
A Holographic Patch is a topical product specifically programmed for various ailments, issues and outcomes. The Holographic Patch and Earthing Card relay frequency fields similar to the active ingredients found in natural elements, essential oils, nutrients, or other substances.
Holograms have very unique properties. One of these properties is its ability to act as a storage device for information; each piece contains information about the whole. Some of the most advanced computers that are used by major corporations integrate holograms to store vast amounts of data and information. Our Holographic Patches act as a storage device for longitudinal electromagnetic waves due to their unique properties and ability to store information. This stored information may be used to assist your body in healing and restoring it to its normal, balanced state.
All of Our Products are programmed with our US Patented process and a proprietary combination of known frequencies and derived and from bioactive ingredients. Each active ingredient, which can be a nutrient or medication, is placed in an aqueous solution and the frequency is extracted. Longitudinal electromagnetic waves charge the target bioactive frequencies into our products.
It is a well-known fact in the scientific community that different frequencies can affect the human body in certain ways. Our patented use of Tesla Technologies and electromagnetic frequencies are used to assist in speeding up recovery time of damaged body tissue. Not only is the human body affected by frequencies, it uses frequencies for internal communication. The human body is composed of a multitude of systems that exchange energy and information throughout itself, allowing the human body to properly function. Together, all of these systems work harmoniously to create the entire function as a whole. Exemplary evidence of this is the human body’s central nervous system, which is comprised of neurons using electric frequencies to transfer information throughout the body.
Stressors to the human body have increased tremendously in the past few decades. Genetically modified foods, pollutions, toxins, etc., have affected the ability of our body to function in the way it was naturally intended. The inventions of radio, cellular communication, and other such devices that transmit electromagnetic waves have also caused a new kind of stress to the body known as electromagnetic pollution. The way in which we deal with pain, injuries, ailments, and stressors to the body has advanced immensely in the past few centuries. The medical field has been a blossoming industry that deals primarily with correcting these problems. In modern times, it appears that the cure to these problems is in the form of some sort of chemical that is ingested into the body.
For example, when a part of the body is injured, our natural protective mechanisms go to work. White blood cell count at the site of the injury increases, which causes heat, loss of function, and pain. All of these effects are potentially beneficial; but after we know we are injured, the pain is still relevant. Taking ibuprofen acts as a painkiller due to its ability to inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins. It does this by interfering with the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which catalyzes the conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandins, which will in effect help alleviate the pain and solve one problem, but may also create others. As well as being harmful to your liver, ibuprofen may cause stomach pain, constipation, gas, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Alternative solutions to these problems – such as Eastern medicine – take a different approach to this. While the Western medicine approach clearly separates health and disease, the Eastern medicine approach considers health as a balanced state, versus disease as an unbalanced state.
Eastern Chinese medicine divides the body into parts by their function rather than their structure: the anatomical, physiological, and the psychological. These parts are all connected by what they call “meridians” which are electrical pathways that carry energy and information throughout the body.
Natures Frequencies manufactures our products utilizing a proprietary programming of Biofield Resonance Technology, BRT. By combining Tesla technology with sound and light frequencies Our Biofield Resonance Technology programming, assists in the application of electromagnetic energy in the nature of subtle energy frequencies in order to reduce quantum noise and achieve resonance to increase the efficiency of energy exchange for the purpose of improving the functioning and extending the useful life of the program and materials. Our BRT programming utilizes very specific homeopathic frequencies to assist with the harmonizing of the bodies Biofield.
What did Albert Einstein say about energy and matter?
On a basic level, Einstein said that matter (even small amounts) and energy, under certain circumstances, are interchangeable. Matter can become energy and energy can become matter. An example would be the atomic bomb.
The Hologram and Earthing Card fields enhance the metabolism of cells through frequencies that are beneficial and harmonious to the frequencies of living cells, thus helping it function optimally.
The application of using frequencies to heal the body has been around since inventor Nikola Tesla (1856 – 1943) pioneered electrical technology. As one of the most influential scientists of the last century, Tesla was a genius born ahead of his time. His inventions of alternating current, electric motors, radio, etc., have laid the groundwork for our modern day society. Although most of his ideas and inventions are well known and used today, there are some that remain forgotten, one of which was his invention of longitudinal electromagnetic waves. This type of electromagnetic wave contradicted the accepted mainstream theory of Heinrich Hertz that electromagnetic waves were transverse. Instead of merging their experimental results into a unified proof for Maxwell’s original equations, the two argued about who was right and who was wrong and mainstream science stuck with Hertz’s theory. Longitudinal electromagnetic waves were then forgotten about… until recently. A scientist by the name of Dr. Konstantin Meyl picked up Tesla’s work. Dr. Meyl was able to experimentally and repeatedly prove the existence of these electromagnetic waves and expand on this theory. Proving the existence of longitudinal electromagnetic waves opens up a whole new area of science for the world to understand. Through enormous amounts of research and development, we have been able to find ways to apply this cutting edge technology for practical uses. One of these new uses is our US Patent Technology.
Some examples include:
- – Magnetic/electromagnetic field therapy
- – Ultrasound frequencies to heal bones quicker
- – Electric/electromagnetic fields to heal bones faster
- – Light to speed up wound healing
Frequency is a measurable rate of electrical energy that is constant between any two points. In the book, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life by Robert O. Becker and Gary Selden, Becker, an orthopedic surgeon at SUNY Upstate Medical, described his research as understanding, “our bioelectric selves”. The book states that every living thing has an electrical frequency.
Yes. Low biofrequency fields (or scalar waves) traveling at specific frequencies through the interstitial fluid between cells create resonance signals that amplify endogenous signals. Biofrequency fields move free electrons inside ring systems such as benzene, purine and pyrimidine commonly found in human cells, which induces a small electric current that provides energy necessary for cellular reactions. Cells move into resonance with each other, which draws energy and information from other cells and the environment. Biofrequency fields created from scalar waves or electromagnetic waves have demonstrated the ability to improve nitric oxide release, enhance blood flow, methylate DNA, activate antioxidant enzymes, and reduce inflammation.
Chemical messengers such as hormones, neurotransmitters and antibodies travel through the small interstitial space between cells and attach to receptors transferring electrochemical signals that lead to a cellular response. Every living being emits a vibrating energy field with a unique frequency. The brain processes information and communicates with the body through wave frequency patterns. Memory is stored in the cerebral cortex of the brain in cell groups attuned to certain frequencies, making pattern recognition possible. Normal cellular communication may become compromised under conditions of illness, disease, or tissue damage.
In a proof of concept study, scalar waves using the biofrequency of the drug clotrimazole were compared to the active drug in an invitro model of yeast. As expected, the direct (chemical) addition of clotrimazole showed strong growth inhibition over baseline (p<0.0001). Inhibition rates obtained by mere clotrimazole information transfer via scalar wave resonance (physical) was half of the direct drug effect, but still significant over controls (p<0.0001). The investigators concluded that the combination of both the chemical and physical pathways might enhance the desired therapeutic effect without an increase of undesired side effects.
If the body does not need or want the information stored on the hologram or Earthing Card, it ignores it. Concerning allergic reactions, take for example if a person is allergic or hypersensitive to ibuprofen and the person ingests Ibuprofen, the body will then attempt to reject it with an allergic reaction. The same is true for ingredient frequencies stored in holographic or Earthing Card form. With the frequencies stored in on products, the body does not need to use the frequencies if it is not beneficial to the body; it will reject them. For example, if you stay in the sun all day and your body produces sufficient vitamin D, then your body will then ignore the frequency and stop producing vitamin D. In essence, the body decides what the body needs. Without this innate system, people living on the equator would continually produce vitamin D3.
We have not encountered anyone who has become desensitized to a particular frequency. Again, like the frequency from the sun, if you need the frequency, your body will accept it; if you do not need it, your body will ignore it.
Blood flow points and meridian points are most receptive to frequencies. Water and blood are much more receptive to accepting the information, versus something like the top of the knee with limited blood flow. We have also found that copious amounts of fat are not receptive; in this case, it is best to place our patch on the wrists closer to blood flow. Placing the patch on designated meridian points will increase their effectiveness.
There is no power source. The patch and Earthing Card contain subtle energy fields that the human body’s energetic field is sensitive to and reacts to. This subtle energy field contains information that communicates a message to the body. The body’s fields can accept the information in various frequencies, both high and low.
No, the frequency does not change. If the frequency and information is there and stored, it is available to the body. There is no dose or levels. The frequency of the ingredient does not change depending on the dose, it is always the same.
It all depends on how sensitive a person’s body is to the biofrequency fields. For some people, the effects can be instantaneous, while others may take longer. Individual response times may vary.
Yes, it has been shown that more oxidation to the body is a benefit, and this helps cleanse the body. The more times you wear the Patch or Earthing Card, the more you should benefit. We have found that ideally the longer a patient wears the Patch or Earthing Card, the better the outcome, as there are many long-term benefits of blood flow and oxygenation of the blood on a continuous basis.
Yes. Adequate hydration and electrolytes assist your body to reap the benefits of our products. Since most of the effects occur because of how they act on ions, especially calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium, these ions and electrolytes need to be at the right levels in the body. Proper and consistent hydration assists this process. Drink lots of clean water.
Low-frequency, low-intensity biofrequency fields have minimal effect on healthy cells. A cell cannot make more energy than it is capable of utilizing. In other words, it cannot be “overcharged” with biofrequency fields. Unhealthy or unbalanced cells need and use the extra energy from therapeutic biofrequency fields to get better.
Both quantum field theory and string theory express this phenomenon on the atomic and subatomic levels by representing everything in terms of a field or vibration of energy.
The essential oil Lavender has a high frequency of 118 MHz Rose oil is very high at 320 MHz. Just to give you an idea, the body drops to a frequency of around 58 MHz with a cold or flu, around 42 MHz when cancer may appear, and drops to around 20 MHz when the death process begins. Generally, the higher frequency of the body, the better it functions.
The statements on Natures Frequencies products, websites, or associated materials have not been evaluated by any regulatory authority and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. The content provided by Natures Frequencies is presented in summary form, is general in nature, and is provided for informational purposes only. Do not disregard any medical advice you have received or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on our websites or associated materials. Consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet or fitness program. We assume no liability or responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property arising from any use of any product, information, idea, or instruction contained in the materials provided to you. Natures Frequencies reserves the right to change or discontinue at any time any aspect or feature containing our information.